In their latest video, which Trendsetter organized & coordinated, PETA is shining a spotlight on Munchkin CEO Steve Dunn who has pledged $1,000,000 towards building an orca seaside sanctuary. After removing the orca from Munchkin’s best selling bath set, Dunn’s dream is that Tilikum (of Blackfish fame) is the last orca to die in captivity at Seaworld. The captivating video can be seen on People Magazine today via exclusive with People Pets
link:, Munchkin will be donating all sales proceeds made on to The Whale Sanctuary Project.
Munchkin has completed the first stage of site selection: the “desktop” process, which involved surveying geographical, environmental, and land-use data from more than 100 sites in Nova Scotia, Maine, British Columbia, and Washington State, and then narrowing the list to 20 sites across those areas.
The next stage will involve refining the list to about six sites, and these will be evaluated at a very detailed level – including site visits and environmental impact studies, local and governmental meetings, and stakeholder negotiations – throughout the Spring and Summer of this year.
Munchkin expects to announce the primary site for the first whale sanctuary in North America in the Fall.
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